Saturday, November 12, 2011

Writing with Hillfield S. Students at RBG

A Morning of Inspiration

The sweet scent of exotic blossom mingled with a heavier wet earth smell,
An orange and white flash of fins and tails,
The smooth gloss feeling of the leaf we're not supposed to touch,
The sound of pencils scratching against paper and silence,
The warm minced beef taste of a soft taco lunch to end the writing experience. 

On October 14 two sets of students headed out to share new writing inspirations with a) Hugh Brewster at Dundurn Castle and b) me at Royal Botanical Gardens.  I enjoyed our tropical garden atmosphere for walking and writing in. The at-home challenge was for the students to write a five sense poem about their own favourite sensations.  The poems all came in now and because I didn't ask permission to post, I've created one myself to remind them of our time together.

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