Saturday, February 27, 2010

Memorable Event--Sixth Annual CANSCAIP OLA Booklaunch

I can't remember having a better time than at this years CANSCAIP Launch. So many different approaches. Some read--authors read beautifully. Some sang--yes authors sing beautifully. Ted Staunton played a mean banjo and had the audience clucking and wiggling in their chairs like chickens laying eggs. Spring showed up in full costume and promises to return later. Some of the authors dressed up in crazy hats to help demonstrate Kari-Lynn Winter's book--all the while I was timing. So much fun watching them try to beat the clock. Next year it might be nice if we didn't launch on a blizzard day and if more librarians showed up to enjoy the wonderful performance.

Friday, February 26, 2010

New Writers on the job

Here they are hard at work, creating stories about some strange stuffed animals, most of whom want to go for the gold at the Olympics. I love the Artist in Education Week,( it gives me much more of a closer and longer contact with my readers than an author visit) and it was especially fun at BrierPark School because the teachers and principal understood how much creative writing can contribute to their curriculum. It's often difficult to convince educators, despite the literacy push, that giving up half a day to writing stories with a professional author can enrich, empower as well as educate the students. If they can reason through the peaks and valleys of a story, thinking about how stuffed crocodiles can practise shotput let's just say, they will increase their powers of critical thinking for all subjects and for the real problems in their life. And along the way, they'll also learn some writing technique, practise their computer skills and sure, improve their spelling.