Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alexander Public Grade 6 does character sketches

Here are the characters. You can tell a lot about the students by the stuffies they bring to school to do a character sketch. I'm not sure if you can make out Darth Vadar bear but he's sitting there on the left, the stuffie in black. Tomorrow is our last day together so I can read the stories about these guys in second draft.We also worked on scripts and here a couple of the students perform a very popular one on a "didi"that a boy tried to convince his mom was a good pet.

They always look so industrious when they work on the computers but really they're probably deciding on a font here. Tomorrow we say good bye and it's always a little sad. I'm assuming it may be my last time in a Sudbury classroom and Alexander Public is pretty special to me. Slam Dunk Robot was written there with the students' input.

But you never know. Maybe I'll be back for a launch of Death on Youtube

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